Important Announcement

The next Gold Card Club meeting will be on Tuesday, May 20, 2025, at 10:00am at the Local 195 office. Please reach out to Eve Greenleaf at 484-546-9890 to confirm your attendance.


Gold Card Officers

  • Eve Greenleaf, President
  • Joseph Bogden, Treasurer
  • Willis Outlaw Jr., Sgt.-At-Arms

    Local 195 has established a Gold Card Retiree Club aimed at assisting all Local 195 retirees in their ensuing retirement years. We are hoping you will consider joining your union brothers and sister by becoming a part of this group.

    If you have recently retired, or are planning on retiring, please inform your chapter president. A gold card with your name engraved on it will be ordered and mailed to you along with the gold card club information and a form to join.

    You can also download a Gold Card Order form by clicking here and faxing the form to the Local office at 732-247-2474.

    New Jersey Public
    Employees Union

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